Thyroid: Articles & Information

The following articles and podcasts present information on thyroid topics that are extremely helpful for the patients I help week in and week out.

I cover topics that are important to understand, like what kind of thyroid medication is best for your condition, when it is OK to quit medications, and what kind of natural products are available to improve your glandular and overall health.

The thyroid information I present here is designed to help you understand the following:

These curated articles are written to be understandable by my patients and anyone who wishes to learn more about their thyroid. This information is an excellent place to start if you suspect that you are experiencing a health issue connected with thyroid function, and it may help you select what kind of thyroid medication is best.

April 15, 2019

Uncovering the Hidden Symptoms of Thyroid Disease

If you have thyroid disease, you are likely blaming your thyroid whenever you experience constipation, weight gain, hair loss, brain fog or fatigue. However, there are other symptoms that you may not have realized are also related to your thyroid’s under- or over-performance (Read: Don’t ignore these 11 most important […]
March 11, 2019

Graves’ Disease: Causes and How You Can Treat It

Graves’ disease is an unfortunate name for a medical condition, but with appropriate and timely treatment (Read: 8 Things your Doctor won’t tell you about Graves Disease) you can definitely feel optimistic about reversing it. Graves’ Disease treatment is so important for avoiding major health risks down the road (Read: […]
February 18, 2019

How to Boost Your Metabolism When You Have an Underactive Thyroid

Your thyroid plays such a tremendous role in your metabolism1. When your thyroid is slow, it can impair your metabolism by up to 30%. In this article, we will discuss how optimizing your exercise routine, TSH levels, and iodine intake can help boost you back to your normal metabolism.
December 10, 2018

Sublingual Immunotherapy: A Solution for Food Allergies

Thanks to recent medical updates, suffering from allergies doesn’t have to be a life sentence! We even have an exciting treatment solution available to help restore your health. That even includes reducing your allergic response to pollen and foods, too. Let me tell you a bit more about it right […]
August 20, 2018

Update – What is the Best Exercise for Thyroid Disease?

Interested in exercise for the thyroid gland, or exercise to reduce thyroid problems? We are all familiar with the numerous benefits exercise has on our lives. Whether it is stress reduction, lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease or improving metabolism/body composition. Indeed, weight gain and fatigue are common struggles of […]