What is the cognitive, unconscious mind?
This is the part of your mind you’re unaware of, like when you get a random, viral song stuck in your head.
There are things in our environment we are aware of unconsciously but not consciously. They can cue us in ways that we respond in our intestinal tract, but not in our conscious mind. When we speak of our “gut reactions” or “I just didn’t feel right about that situation”, this is our cognitive, unconscious mind at work.
Your conscious mind can process about twenty chunks of data per second. The cognitive, unconscious mind can process forty million chunks of data per second!
So, when considering healing your intestine, also consider your unconscious mind. Think quite a bit about things that may have been on the peripheral of your awareness, but you’ve been ignoring.
Ask yourself, “What are those little signals or inferences about things I should do more of, could do less of or change altogether?”
Try these exercises to help you get in touch with what those are: