
June 4, 2021

Podcast – Does Meat Have to Come From Animals? with Dr. Elliot Swartz

Humans eat meat. Right or wrong, the fact is that over 92% of individuals from most cultures around the world consume meat on a daily basis, regardless of the environmental, humanitarian, and global quality of life impacts that this diet entails. But what if we could eat meat without raising animals?
November 2, 2020

Is A Paleo or Vegan Diet Better (Or Worse) For Thyroid Disease?

One of your most asked questions is about different diets, specifically for thyroid disease, and how effective they can be for your thyroid health. So I sat down and I researched it, for 2 YEARS. What I discovered is so important for your thyroid, that I wrote the Thyroid Reset […]
September 21, 2020

Top 21 Thyroid Supplements & Vitamins for Optimal Function

I have something really important I want to share with you. I’m often asked the kind of nutrients that are helpful for thyroid disease, especially for those already on a healthy diet. That begs the question: are supplements even helpful for thyroid disease? If so, which should you take? How much […]
November 4, 2019

Update: Testing Your Thyroid and the Definitive Guide to Optimal Ranges

I cannot say it enough: getting your thyroid tested is critical. That’s why I have put together the definitive guide to testing, understanding, and interpreting your thyroid results. If you are worried about thyroid disease, even a little, let me walk you through everything you need to know to get […]