Home > Supplements > Who Would Benefit From Thyroid Supplements?
The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate many critical functions of our bodies, including our metabolism, energy levels, sleeping patterns, and more. When your thyroid stops working optimally, it can cause significant problems and you’ll need thyroid support. Thousands of people enjoy the benefits of thyroid supplements and the way they improve their lives.
Women are more likely to suffer from thyroid-related issues than men, although men too can reap the benefits of thyroid supplements. It’s important to know when to take thyroid supplements. The older we get, the more likely these problems will occur. In women, stages of life can trigger malfunction of the thyroid. These include after pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause. The risk for women increases in their mid-forties. This is the main group who should take thyroid supplements.
Another indicator of risk is a history of thyroid disease in the family, although it does not predict which thyroid problems might occur. If your grandmother had Graves’ disease, it only means you have a greater risk of some thyroid issues and not that specific disease.
Your thyroid is in the front of your neck, just below the Adam’s apple, and you may notice bumps or nodules there. Your voice may change and become more gruff, or you can have difficulty speaking clearly. If you notice sudden hair loss, weight gain, or difficulty losing weight, that may also affect your decision as to when to take thyroid supplements. Depression, anxiety, reduced interest in sex, irregular menstrual cycle, or insomnia can all also require thyroid support.
If your hands or feet feel numb or start tingling, or you feel cold, you may reap the benefits of thyroid supplements. Thyroid problems can also present as tiredness, feelings of physical weakness, or the inability to think clearly; these can identify you as someone who should take thyroid supplements.
Once you realize the benefits of thyroid supplements, they can help you in several ways, including:
As mentioned earlier, women are more at risk than men, especially when they age and their bodies start changing. It is important to recognize the signs of thyroid issues early and understand the benefits of thyroid supplements. It is important to realize when to take thyroid supplements, because prompt treatment, including diet and nutraceuticals, can help reverse the symptoms before they become a problem.
The first step would be the Thyroid Reset Diet as part of a more comprehensive treatment. This could be combined with thyroid formulations specific to your needs. Here is a simple thyroid quiz to help determine who should take thyroid supplements, which can help you decide which nutraceuticals will work best to restore your body to its expected function.
Your thyroid and the way it functions is vital to your general health and well-being. We have a comprehensive understanding of how the thyroid works, the symptoms we can expect when it stops working properly, and the benefits of thyroid supplements. We also have thyroid vitamins to help you help yourself and restore optimal thyroid function.
Learn more about Dr. C’s thyroid supplements and other products here.
P.S. Whenever you are ready, here is how I can help you now:
Dr. Alan Glen Christianson (Dr. C) is a Naturopathic Endocrinologist and the author of The NY Times bestselling Hormone Healing Cookbook, The Metabolism Reset Diet, and The Thyroid Reset Diet.
Dr. C’s gift for figuring out what works has helped hundreds of thousands reverse thyroid disease, heal their adrenals, and lose weight naturally. Learn more about the surprising story that started his quest.