Key Takeaways:
(01:00) Introduction to Dr. Katie Rothwell
(03:11) Question on hyperthyroid – which causes thyroid storm
(05:30) How does someone get their T3 to the optimal range?
(05:50) Dr. Rothwell discusses how to deal with desiccated thyroid
(07:10) Trough levels testing to identify T3’s lowest level
(08:00) The lowest level of T3 discussed
(09:15) Different T3 lab scores discussed after medicine intake
(10:25) Misconception about people with low normal TSH
(12:15) The body is fighting to remain in the status quo
(14:35) One analogy that is partially helpful about TSH
(15:20) Dr. Rothwell shares about her patient with elevated TSH level
(15:45) TSH suppression
(17:20) What risks are you willing to take?
(20:10) What are the creative ways to do better?
(22:30) Not every dose of Vitamin C is safe for all people
(23:45) Who do I trust to teach me this medication?
(25:00) Side effects of medication
(29:35) Hypothyroid Symptoms & Hyperthyroid Symptoms
(30:50) The assumption about if you need your free T3 so high
(31:25) The mindset of having the right amount of dose will solve the problem
(34:00) Making hormones is better than taking hormone
(34:40) The large study in Korea
(35:10) Find ways to reverse the cause of thyroid issues
(37:20) People with no functional thyroid issues feel the worst
(38:10) Experience about the Redmond study on growth hormone
(39:30) The feedback are not always linear
(40:10) Relationship between thyroid and weight
(41:20) Revision of weight will not help the issue but it’s possible now
(42:00) Hopeful to change a few minds