The Science Behind It
So, who came up with wearing wet socks? Turns out that this is an old hydrotherapy trick from the European medical spas of the 1800’s. When your skin is wet, your body increases its blood supply to dry it. The wool layer over the top prevents you from being chilled even though you are wet.
Ever seen all the reflexology and acupuncture points on your feet? Think about how great it feels to have them rubbed. That is because they are absolutely covered in nerve endings.
The wet socks trick relies on your feet doing all of the work. The vessels within will constrict as they cool down, which affords your body key nutrients in other parts of the body (the same ones which fight away infections and stimulate overall healing).
Then, as your feet begin to warm up, your vessels dilate. This is your body’s opportunity to be rid of all the nasty stuff plaguing your system. Specifically, the changes between hot and cold help stimulate circulation and have a whole host of benefits.
Improving your circulation leads to all sorts of benefits – better muscular energy, less pain, and less symptoms of fatigue overall. Best of all, by the time you wake up your socks will be dry!