So, let’s develop a really solid understanding of vitamin E. It is basically one of the fat-soluble compounds that scavenge some free radicals. We find a lot of variety of things that act like vitamin E, and these are called tocopherols and tocotrienols.
When vitamin E is synthesized, there are two kinds of that process. A concept of that is called stereo isometry. Look at your hand and what do you see? You can have one hand, and another, that have the same thumb and four fingers.
What do you notice about them? If you press your hands against one another, they are mirror images (meaning that they would not line up properly if you stacked them on top of one another). They have the same essential elements, but they are mirrored off one another.
This concept is what we know as stereo isometry, and it comes up a lot in organic chemistry. This means that when vitamin E is synthesized, there is a D form and an L form. The synthetic version is then what we know as dl-alpha-tocopherol.
For a lot of years, synthetic vitamin E was what was used. We know now that the inactive form, the D form, is not what we find in a lot of foods. In fact, it may inhibit some of the good effects that vitamin E can have on our body.