I’d like to take a moment to share a story that I have of a patient. For the purposes of this case study, let’s call her “Sandra”…
Many years ago, ‘Sandra’ was a new patient of mine. Her chief complaint was that she had poor libido. She had been happily married for 6 years, and she and her husband had enjoyed a very active sex life for the first 3 – 4 years of their marriage. And, in her words, “active” might even be an understatement! She had said that her friends had referred to her and her husband as “the bunnies”.
For the last few years of their marriage, though, she had no interest in sex at all. It was almost as though the desire for sex was completely erased, vanishing into thin air. She said that it had gotten so bad that she had to make a secret mark on the calendar to remind her to initiate sex – and this was at least a few times per month. Otherwise, she said, it wouldn’t even cross her mind.
Sandra had heard from a girlfriend how her libibo had improved on testosterone therapy, and she wanted to try it for herself. I agreed that her concerns were valid, and there was likely a hormonal cause for her lack of sexual interest or activity. In many cases, I have found that low testosterone can be the culprit, but it was best to screen all of her hormones – just to be sure.
What surprised me was that her tests revealed a rather advanced hypothyroidism, caused by Hashimoto’s. It was a surprise since she had no other common thyroid complaints, such as weight gain, hair loss or lethargy. But there it was, all the same. What I learned was that some people with thyroid disease have few of the classic symptoms, if any.
I began by screening Sandra for thyroid cancer. Thankfully, she was clear. Then I started her on natural thyroid treatment, detox and dietary changes. Within a month and a half, Sandra’s thyroid tests had become perfect. She even remarked that it felt like she and her husband were newlyweds again. They were both quite pleased with her recovery.