What have we learned about chocolate?
Since this study was performed, we have learned a lot of interesting things about chocolate and how it can contribute to our health. Let’s dive a little bit into these results, and what they mean for our health.
What we have learned about chocolate is that it can be a source of some really good polyphenols. Polyphenols are plant-based, antioxidant compounds that can be great for us.
Diabetes Risk and Cardiovascular Disease
There have been some large human outcome studies which suggest that chocolate can help with reducing the risk of diabetes. As well as the prevention of cardiovascular disease4.
Cardiovascular Effects
In vivo, which are test tube-based, studies have shown that chocolate may perform well in relation to4:
- Blood pressure
- Platelet aggregation
- Endothelial function
What’s the risk?
While we have seen some good from chocolate, we do need to understand that there are some definite drawbacks. One of the major ones is that the majority of chocolate that we encounter in our day-to-day lives contains heavy, processed, non-whole food fats, as well as lots of sugars.