One exercise I want to mention is alternate nostril control. This is essentially where you focus energy on breathing in and out of specific nostrils.
Inhale on a count of one in your right nostril, hold your breath on a count of four, and exhale on a count of two through your left nostril. And, then, do the opposite!
You can do that for as little as three minutes. When you make a deliberate rhythm like this, you help your body move back into that relaxation state.
2. Glucose
The more steady your blood sugar, the less you have to make stress hormones to chase your blood sugar (to make it balanced).
So, how do you go about doing that? There is an inverse relationship between dietary carbohydrate and cortisol.
That means that healthy carbs allow your body to lower cortisol. You do not need to make cortisol to form glucose out of your muscle tissue, when there is already some glucose coming from good foods in your system.
Healthy carbs and unhealthy carbs are, to be frank, worlds apart. People may still feel that carbohydrates are inherently bad, but this simply isn’t the case.