May 28, 2018

Forget Carbs And Fats – It Is The Fuel That Matters

I want you to forget what you thought you knew about carbs and fats, and focus on the fuel! Today, I will introduce you to how fuel is different, and how your fuel intake can affect your thyroid, weight gain, and other issues you might be facing. Without further ado, […]
May 14, 2018

How To Lose Weight If You Are In Menopause

Have you found yourself dealing with sudden weight gain due to menopause? I would love to introduce you to some causes, solutions, and action steps that you can start implementing today to help you lose weight during menopause. Whether learning about how to lose weight with thyroid and menopause, or […]
January 29, 2018

The Truth About Parasites: Avoiding, Treating, and Defeating

What do we know about parasites? While the name alone might send shivers down your spine, these little things could be squirming around in your intestinal tract right now. What do you need to know about them, and how can you best handle them? Today, I want to talk to […]