Thyroid & Natural Health Blog

For more than 30 years, I have been helping patients achieve optimum thyroid and adrenal health. I’ve also trained tens of thousands of doctors and healthcare professionals worldwide and strongly believe in the importance of sharing the information I have learned with people looking to improve their health naturally.

I want you to live a healthy life just like my satisfied patients; that’s why I’m sharing all the wisdom I have gained in this natural health blog.

Here, you’ll find crucial information about thyroid disease, adrenal fatigue, weight loss tips, healthy diet suggestions, the role that hormones have in the body, and much more. 

My thyroid blog provides helpful tips on how to optimize your thyroid treatment regimen so that you’re always feeling your best. I also offer recommendations on natural supplements that can help minimize your dependence on traditional thyroid medications. I discuss the various diagnostic tests to confirm your diagnosis and the treatments you need to take to rebalance your thyroid.

Please check out some of my other blog posts, such as The Thyroid Reset Diet, How to Quickly Remove Excess Iodine From the Body, and my Thyroid Dose Conversion Calculator.

Rest assured, the information in this natural medicine blog is based on medical literature, not mere fads. As a board-certified naturopathic endocrinologist, I believe that the best care comes from a combination of natural and traditional therapies. 

Remember: knowledge is power. The more you know, the better health decisions you’ll make. Let my informative blog posts on natural health and medicine help you with that!

February 24, 2024

Podcast – Navigating Thyroid Health: Part 1 of the Thyroid Beginner Series

As part of the Thyroid Beginner Series, Dr. C. discusses the prevalence of thyroid disease in this better health podcast episode. Despite affecting a significant portion of the population, many cases go undiagnosed. Moreover, conventional treatments like thyroid medication not only offer little benefit but also pose serious health risks, including increased cancer rates.
August 24, 2023

Marta’s Story – Dangers of Thyroid Meds When Overprescribed

We're talking about everything from sluggishness to skyrocketing energy levels. This is what exactly happened to Marta as she went through all the hallmark symptoms. Find out how she uncovered the natural ways to increase and have more energy in this podcast about women’s health.
January 12, 2023

Adapt to the Seasons with Dr. Trevor Cates

In this energy podcast, I will increase your understanding of how seasons can affect your hormone levels. I discuss the impact of sunlight, why you should pay attention to cosmetic ingredients, and I go over nutritional information with Dr. Trevor Cates, an expert on natural beauty care.
October 23, 2022

Healing Post Cancer Treatment with Dr. Amy Rothenberg

Cancer treatments that work can be hard on the body, and a suitable period of rest and recuperation, aided by good nutrition, may help minimize relapses. Let’s discuss nutrition and lifestyle changes that may increase healing energy in this podcast with Dr. Amy Rothenberg.
September 19, 2022

Personal Care Products to Consider for Health and Wellness with Katie Wells

Examine iodine exposure closely if you are looking for a way to have more energy naturally with a thyroid condition. Insufficient iodine can make you feel fatigued, and too much iodine causes other problems. Join me as I discuss typical personal care products that contain iodine with expert Katie Wells.