Thyroid & Natural Health Blog

For more than 30 years, I have been helping patients achieve optimum thyroid and adrenal health. I’ve also trained tens of thousands of doctors and healthcare professionals worldwide and strongly believe in the importance of sharing the information I have learned with people looking to improve their health naturally.

I want you to live a healthy life just like my satisfied patients; that’s why I’m sharing all the wisdom I have gained in this natural health blog.

Here, you’ll find crucial information about thyroid disease, adrenal fatigue, weight loss tips, healthy diet suggestions, the role that hormones have in the body, and much more. 

My thyroid blog provides helpful tips on how to optimize your thyroid treatment regimen so that you’re always feeling your best. I also offer recommendations on natural supplements that can help minimize your dependence on traditional thyroid medications. I discuss the various diagnostic tests to confirm your diagnosis and the treatments you need to take to rebalance your thyroid.

Please check out some of my other blog posts, such as The Thyroid Reset Diet, How to Quickly Remove Excess Iodine From the Body, and my Thyroid Dose Conversion Calculator.

Rest assured, the information in this natural medicine blog is based on medical literature, not mere fads. As a board-certified naturopathic endocrinologist, I believe that the best care comes from a combination of natural and traditional therapies. 

Remember: knowledge is power. The more you know, the better health decisions you’ll make. Let my informative blog posts on natural health and medicine help you with that!

April 13, 2020

Podcast – Top COVID-19 Myths with Dr. Susan Wilder

I had the opportunity to talk to Dr. Susan Wilder about some of the biggest myths surrounding this coronavirus. Previously a physician for the AirForce, Dr. Wilder has been active with the Arizona government and is currently working as a first-line private practice physician during this pandemic. She shares her perspective on the COVID-19 crisis from the medical community and has answers to your questions, including the effectiveness of face masks and a realistic timeline for an approved vaccine.
March 30, 2020

Podcast – COVID-19 Top Myths and Updates with Dr. Tom Moorcroft

I want to address some of the most common myths surrounding the topic that is on everyone’s mind right now 1 COVID-19.  I don’t want you to panic, but there are important medical facts that I want to make sure that you are hearing. I know how hard it can be to separate facts from myths in this rapidly changing environment that we are all suddenly living in, and I want to give you the facts so that you can make informed decisions today that will keep you safe and healthy.
March 16, 2020

Podcast – Healing MS Beyond Observation and Anecdote with Dr. Terry Wahls

I’m joined today by Dr. Terry Wahls, a clinical professor at the University of Iowa who conducts clinical trials testing therapeutic lifestyle and diet on multiple sclerosis, the progression of the disease and its symptoms. Dr. Wahls is an author and speaker who has joined me to discuss the personal experiences and extensive research that she has conducted in order to make a claim as grand as finding the answer to healing MS. She shares the trials and setbacks she has encountered along the way, updates with her research and several action items that anyone with MS can take today to begin their journey toward healing.
March 2, 2020

Podcast – Is It Worth It To Test Your Genes? with Dr. Ben Lynch

Genetic testing is all the rage these days, but is it necessary? Is the information accurate or clinically relevant? Does it result in medical action that is unnecessary? Dr. Ben Lynch is a leader in the world of nutrigenomics and he has joined me today to shed some light on the topic. As the founder of Seeking Health and the author of Dirty Genes, Dr. Lynch has extensive experience, knowledge, and answers about the value and importance of the information you can gain from genetic testing.
February 14, 2020

Podcast – The Whole Truth About Whole Grains – Part 3 with Stephen Yafa

Today we’re continuing our conversation on the effect of grains on health. I’m joined by Stephen Yafa, an author and speaker who has critically studied the current ideas and widely accepted misconceptions about wheat — if it has been genetically modified in dangerous ways, whether its basic structure has changed over recent decades, and whether it triggers diseases outside of Celiac. Stephen clarifies the differences between refined wheat and whole wheat, explains the benefits of various types of sourdough, and offers insights into the artisanal flour movement in America.
February 10, 2020

Podcast – Mediterranean Diet: Top Myths with Dr. Steven Masley

The Mediterranean diet is considered the top diet in the world, but what exactly makes it so successful? How difficult is it to get started? How expensive is it? There are many myths surrounding the Mediterranean diet that can confuse and complicate this highly effective method for losing weight and living longer, but on today’s episode we’re going to separate fact from fiction as we dive into the delicious details of the Mediterranean diet.
February 3, 2020

Podcast – The Whole Truth About Whole Grains – Part 2 with Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Today we’re continuing our conversation about grains with family physician, nutritional researcher, president of the Nutritional Research Foundation and best-selling author Dr. Joel Fuhrman. He and I discuss the role that plant foods have in promoting overall health, especially whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
January 20, 2020

Podcast – The Whole Truth About Whole Grains – Part 1 with Dr. Peter Osborne

Today is the first episode of a three part series that examines the effect of grains on health. I’m joined today by the Gluten-Free Warrior — Dr. Peter Osborne, the founder of the Gluten-Free Society who works to help people with autoimmune and degenerative diseases.