How Much Protein Do I Need for Weight Loss?
Now that we know how important protein can be in our diet, how much do we need to effectively keep those extra pounds away? Protein at around 25 – 40% of calories has been shown to optimize weight loss7. Now, this isn’t easy to achieve in any diet, so we need to consider the ways that we can bring this much protein into our lives effectively.
If you were trying to start your day with a high level of protein intake, you might find yourself struggling. Eggs, dairy, it’s hard to get the levels of protein we need from the foods that we often start our day eating. This is where we need to understand a fundamental separate: protein for survival versus protein for body composition.
Merely getting by with protein is different than eating protein with purpose. When we eat protein for our body composition, we’re taking a tailored approach to what we’re putting into our bodies – giving our body what it needs to be successful. High protein intake is not simply about a lot of protein at once, but about eating proteins which can make change.
This is where we get into the idea of “foods with protein” and “foods with mostly protein”. We need to carefully consider the kinds of proteins we put into our bodies, on a gram-by-gram basis. This means that we need to focus on “protein by calorie,” going with foods that have a high concentration of protein, without the added calories.
Luckily, there is a great way to get more “foods with protein” into your diet, and the answer is a delicious shake.