Fluctuating Amounts of Iodine in Vitamins
They suspected that the increases in thyroid disease could be due in part to higher than expected and fluctuating amounts of iodine in vitamins.
The results absolutely shocked the scientists when they found:
- Not one single product contained the amount of iodine claimed on the label. Not one.
- The iodine in prescription vitamins was not better controlled than that of non-prescription vitamins.
- Kelp products were worse than those with potassium iodine.
- Some products had three times as much iodine as reported.
- Several products had 400 – 600 mcg of iodine when measured.
When I ask thyroid patients to avoid all supplements with iodine, including multivitamins, some argue that their multi does not have all that much in it.
Sadly, when it comes to iodine, just a little extra might be all that it takes to trigger thyroid disease. Even if you think it is not all that much, the actual amount present may be very different.