Our Blood Sugar and Sugar Cravings
It’s understood that our blood sugar can be a great predictor for much of our overall health, like stress, for example (Read: Can sugar make you stressed). When we keep our blood sugar in check, our bodies benefit and thrive. That’s why it is so important that we manage how much sugar we are putting into our bodies. When we load up on too much, we may suffer some severe consequences.
Most people that I talk to want to learn how to conquer their sugar cravings. They often view it as inescapable – that there is no solution. Sugar is one of the most addictive food substances out there, and it can be found in so many products. The problem with sugar is that it’s both incredibly addictive, while being just as damaging to our bodies (in large quantities).
The more we give into our sugar cravings, the more we put our bodies at risk. When you overload on sugar, you can develop:
- Heart Disease
- Body Weight Issues
- Immunocompromise
The other part that is particularly astonishing to me is how often we can find sugar “disguised” as another product (Read: 257 Names for sugar, which is best). There seems to be so little clarity on where we can find sugar, it’s easy to see why it gets lost in the mix. You could be enjoying many ingredients that you are convinced have no sugar, where you might be completely wrong.