If you have thyroid disease, you’ve probably seen a long list of foods to avoid if you want to lose weight. I’m going to give you only THREE! Dropping these easy foods will give you the most bang for your buck to jumpstart your weight loss.
If you have thyroid disease, you’ve probably seen a long list of foods to avoid if you want to lose weight. I’m going to give you only THREE! Dropping these easy foods will give you the most bang for your buck to jumpstart your weight loss.
I’m bringing up dairy with some reservation since so many people love cheese and other dairy foods.
Let’s think about this: The unique thing about us mammals is we lactate. We make milk for our growing babies. Lactation is specific to specific species. Human babies do well on human milk. Lactation is also specific to a station of life. Think about how radically babies grow. Over the course of their first several years, their size doubles or triples! Now, as an adult, do you want your size to double in the next few years? Of course not! I know I sure don’t! So, you don’t want a lot of milk, and you certainly don’t want it from a cow who grows faster than you do.
The calories in dairy products absorb quickly. There are also naturally-occurring growth hormones in all dairy products—even the organic ones. Cow’s milk is made for baby cows to grow into big cows really fast. You don’t want those types of growth hormones in your body if you’re trying to lose weight.
Avoiding dairy can also be effective for diminishing congestion to help your body breathe more easily.
Drop the dairy to see if it will make a big difference for you. There’s a lot of data showing it can.
By the time most people have become thoughtful about their health, they’ve probably cut out some of the obvious sugars.
Let’s think about some of the hidden sugars.
Look at some of your beverages, sauces, flavorings and packaged foods. You’d be amazed how many can have hidden, added sources of sugar!
Be cautious about some of the healthier beverages, as well. Juice bars are a great way to get more produce in your diet, but be careful to check the sugar grams. You can hit some of the popular chains of juice bars and come away with more sugar than if you drank some big swigs of soda!
Of course, these grown-up desserts we drink all day long from Starbucks can have way more sugar than you’d ever imagine.
So, be cautious of those hidden sources of sugar. They turn to fat more quickly than anything else.
Flour is a category you’ve probably not heard about dropping. I don’t mean wheat flour versus non-wheat flour, but all flour, in general. When you take a whole grain and make it microscopically tiny, its rate of absorption multiplies. It surges right into your bloodstream, which means you have to burn it in that moment. If you don’t, you’re going to make visceral fat of it. That’s not what we want to do!
Don’t get fixated on the thought gluten-free flour is good and gluten is bad, but focus on all flour products. Even gluten-free flours can cause you to store more weight than if you ingested those same grains in the form of intact, whole kernels.
To rev up your metabolism, drop the belly fat and feel good about your figure again, drop the dairy, sugar and flour.
If you’ve enjoyed learning how to reset your weight, you’ll love my thyroid program. I discuss topics like this even more thoroughly and cover many more bases for revitalizing your health. Check it out HERE!
P.S. Whenever you are ready, here is how I can help you now:
Dr. Alan Glen Christianson (Dr. C) is a Naturopathic Endocrinologist and the author of The NY Times bestselling Hormone Healing Cookbook, The Metabolism Reset Diet, and The Thyroid Reset Diet.
Dr. C’s gift for figuring out what works has helped hundreds of thousands reverse thyroid disease, heal their adrenals, and lose weight naturally. Learn more about the surprising story that started his quest.