Gluten: The Largest Study
What we have now is a really large study that showed not only another negative outcome of a gluten-free diet, but a really strong breakdown of why these things were so different.
This study in question was published just last year, in 2017, and was led by a team of highly-esteemed doctors1. What they ultimately showed was that overall gluten intake in adults without celiac disease, correlated with death from heart disease.
Ultimately, what the study showed was that the rate of cardiovascular death was highest in those that had consumed no gluten (those that had electively gone gluten-free).
The really exciting thing here, for research purposes, was that the study went on to break people down based on the quality of their diets!
Not only that, these researchers looked at other things (beyond the diet quality score), including:
- Sugar intake
- Fiber intake
- Plant foods
- Even more